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The recommendations apply to regular vaccinations or travel vaccinations in adulthood. They do not apply to vaccinations in infancy and childhood! It is assumed that a correct basic immunization and the most important vaccinations were carried out in childhood. There are different age restrictions for travel vaccinations. Please inform and seek advice beforehand!

Standard vaccinations (adults)

A combined vaccination with diphtheria and whooping cough (pertussis) is recommended, depending on the professional or private situation also in combination with the vaccination against polio ("Polio", Poliomyelitis). There are also tetanus or tetanus-diphtheria vaccines alone. Tetanus probably lasts longer than 10 years, the other vaccines rather not. Booster therefore every 10 years.

Early summer meningoencephalitis (TBE)
Risk areas in Europe and worldwide (see map and go to “Verbreitungskarte Europa” or “Welt”). 3 vaccinations (month 0, 1-3 and 5-12) depending on vaccine. 1st booster after 3 years, then depending on age (<60 every 5 years, >60 every 3 years).

Influenza (flu)
People age > 60 and certain risk groups. 1 vaccination. New annually.

Shingles (herpes zoster)
People age >60 (risk group >50). 2 vaccinations at intervals of at least 2 and no longer than 6 months.

People age >60 (risk groups much earlier). 1 vaccination. 2 different vaccines with different serotypes. Possibly booster every 6 years, risk groups up to annually.

1 vaccination for people born after 1970 who were not vaccinated or only vaccinated once in childhood. Certain groups of persons must have been vaccinated at least twice or must prove sufficient immunity (blood test, antibody titer). Combination vaccination with mumps and rubella exist. Also possible in combination with varicella vaccine (chickenpox).

Travel vaccinations (adults)

Hepatitis A
2 vaccinations ½ year apart. Probably lasts for life. Can be refreshed after 30 years to be safe.

Hepatitis B
Basic immunization, if not already done in infancy, 3 vaccinations (e.g. month 0, 1 and 6). May last a lifetime. To be on the safe side, it can be refreshed every 15 years.

Meningococcal meningitis
Depending on the country of travel, different serotypes and thus different vaccinations. Depending on the vaccine, 1 to 2 vaccinations. Lasts at least 1 year, rather considerably longer.

Japanese encephalitis
2 vaccinations (day 0 and 28), booster after 2 years, then every 10 years.

3 vaccinations (day 0, 7 and 28), booster after 1 year, then every 5 years.

Yellow fever
1 vaccination. Lasts a lifetime.

Oral vaccination or injection. 1 capsule each (day 1, 3 and 5) or 1 injection. Booster every 2-3 years.

Oral vaccination, 2 doses at intervals of 1-6 weeks. Also provides limited protection against bloody diarrhea caused by EHEC infection (special coli bacteria).

Combination vaccines exist for some travel vaccinations.


For all vaccinations, always consult a doctor first and follow the manufacturer's instructions (application restrictions, age restrictions, contraindications, possible side effects/reactions)!
Observe the vaccination regulations of the countries! Entry requirements!

Links and websites on the subject of vaccinations and travel restrictions:{adgroupsurvey}&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIksOfgvX37QIVGhwGAB3k-AAhEAAYASAAEgKrZfD_BwE

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